Sunday, May 30, 2010

I recently lost all my digital photo files , programs and a whole bunch of other stuff that I had stored on an external hard drive. I thought I was protected from viruses and other computer problems, but my external hard drive got damaged and was not repairable and I found out that it could cost up to a thousand dollars to recover the files!!! I was in near tears as I thought about all the family vacation photos, holidays, birthdays and school trips that I've lost! I'm already  pretty emotional these days as our family has been so busy packing and preparing to move across country back to my hometown. We've been in Edmonton for 15 years and this is the only home that our kids have ever known. It will be hard to say goodbye to our family and friends , but in July a new journey begins for our family!
Even though I lost all my programs on my hard drive, I still was able to reload My Digital Studio onto my laptop ( big smiles!!!) and I even got all my digital downloads re-installed!! Whoo-Hoo!!!  So, while I am busy packing, trying to find lost photos , and generally losing my sanity.... I have managed to find some free time to pkay with my MDS. Here's a layout I made and one day I hope to add a pic!!! LOL

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